Friday, September 19, 2014


Tackk is a free web content creation tool that teachers will want to check out. Users can create flyers, presentations, projects, blogs, and lessons with this easy tool.

Tackk from Tackk on Vimeo.

To get started, create an account to save your tackks, then click the  button to select a template:
The Tackk editor walks users through the process of creating a personalized tackk.  Begin adding a visual with the ADD PHOTOS button.  Tackk searches the 500px site and inserts credit to adhere with copyright law.
A simple, yet effective, text tool can be used to insert content and multiple widgets including video, audio, buttons, selling and accepting donations, forms, RSVP submissions, and others can be embedded into a tackk.

Many other questions can be answered at the Tackk FAQ page.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Differentiation with Stick Pick

At first glance, the Stick Pick app (currently priced at $2.99) can simply be an electronic version of the popsicle sticks in the can idea.  In the past, teachers wrote each student's name on a stick and drew from the can.  This can easily be accomplished with the Stick Pick app, however, there are other features that can help with differentiation.  Teachers can utilize the Bloom's question stems to focus on students' various cognitive levels.

Create a Class

Simply tap the + at the top, right corner of the CLASSES window to create a class.  Enter in the class name and tap SAVE.

Select a Mode

While in a class, tap the + at the top, right corner to add students.  Right after entering a student's name, the teacher is prompted to select a mode.
Bloom's and Bloom's Revised are very useful in developing higher order thinking skills.  Both contain six levels of questions stems.  Bloom's includes the levels: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation.  Bloom's Revised contains the levels:  Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating.

Once a mode is selected, a level is selected for the individual student:

When all students are added to the class, the teacher can simply tap the can to select a student and utilize the provided question stems:

Tap the ASSESS button to document the student responses as correct, incorrect, or an opinion.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Brain Breaks with GoNoodle

Last Spring, I heard about GoNoodle, a free resource that provides brain breaks for students.  GoNoodle’s site states that their brain break activities are designed to be healthy for the body, engaging for the attention, and beneficial to the brain in specific ways.  Teachers can simply set up a class and select a champ, a fun character that acts as the class mascot.

The site tracks the minutes a class is engaged in brain break activity and offers levels and rewards. A teacher who teaches multiple sections can easily set up a different class for each group.  Teachers from Pre-K to High School are currently using GoNoodle.

The videos are separated into various categories.

A Note About YouTube
GoNoodle does pull some video content from YouTube.  They explain here that they offer a distraction-free player for the videos to play without the added links, images, etc., however they cannot claim a 100% add-free environment.  

GoNoodle Resources